Friday, February 22, 2013

Maturation in Heart and Mind

     The maturity increases every time you were able to succeed in facing enough challenges in life and during the times when you have learned from your own mistakes. The process of maturation improves and increases  when you gain exposure and experience, learn to survive and to accept reality , to be responsible, and create a way out of a problem.

       On the other hand, several cases may be very confusing though. There are times when our minds just slow down due to stresses and problems. Space and time to have relaxation is needed. Behavior and attitude of a person lies on the condition of his mind. Nothing is really perfect and life is so risky.

     When you find someone who acts childishly, you would probably think that his maturity is low. But how can we know if someone is truly mature?

     First, we should see to it that his/her ability to react or to respond through action is proper to his/her current age. 

     Second, if his/her ability to reason does make sense and if he/she is responsible enough to handle something that had happened. 

     Third, if he/she can acknowledge and has willingness to know what is real; and most importantly if he/she can make a sound judgement. 

     Fourth, as a leader he/she must know how to manage, organize, and train a group of people in doing such team work-oriented or separate individual activities. 

     And lastly, if he/she will be able to share his/her principles and all about wisdom to inspire and guide other people of different walks of life. If at least three of these factors are present, then we can probably say that he/she is truly mature.

(NOTE: Basically, we are talking about the maturation that is in the mind and is different from the aging process which happens physically.)

<Written by: Keith M.>

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