Saturday, November 30, 2013

Helping with Honesty brings Loyalty and Cooperation

     The best way to be in service or of help to others is to be honest and loyal. Helping one and all would mean helping each other as a form of a dual effect or mirror effect; he helps you as you help him. To help basically which exactly mean - to cooperate.

     When one is honest to the people he or she is dealing with, many of those would return to make more deals. Certain quests in our lives that we might be are not completely honest for some reasons that we keep those as burdens - with confidentiality and  a specific purpose. And with right reasons and good intentions, we continued to spend our lives to the best that we can be.

      Loyalty then begins to question us: "Do we  have the right to be treated as loyal as we are (loyal) to others?" Teaching others how to be loyal by showing them  as an example could be the right answer to the question raised in the latter. Resolutions to the question above depends upon your own judgement and what you know about doing what is right or your own wisdom and willingness to solve it in a moral way.

<Written by: Keith M.>

Thursday, November 28, 2013

In the Search for the Truth

      As known by all, there is no perfect detection machine to confirm if someone is telling the full truth. The authorities and the government may investigate and have lie-detectors on them or they may also have a fact-finding committee to unravel the truth. An investigation with a due process based on the justice system of a country. It takes several joint efforts of a crowd to prove what is true unless manipulated by a syndicate. 

      Suspicious situations of anyone's life can lead a neighborhood to having rumors that could come running around and getting more and more malicious. When it feels like it could be tricky enough to be handled by anyone, they get rushed to judge every step anyone could take. Blinded by the truth, the norm tend to accept these untrue stories and had become a puzzling dilemma. 

      Destructive explosives may burn and blast, the real egos of the minds of whom it were built; then it forcefully manipulated the mechanism to control the public opinion and the right to question. Thinking skills are honed through the intelligent analyzing of any misjudgment brought by the threatened rumor-builders. Do not believe at all on what you just heard because it might be unconfirmed and yet it was whispered at your ears.  

     If they were found of being very threatened by the potential exposure of their acts that they tried to conceal, they shall cover themselves [and their shaky reputations] with armors of unconfirmed rumors.

<Written by: Keith M.>

Friday, November 22, 2013

Open-mindedness to the Proper Traits

     Several old traits that have been carried out until today are hindrances to the progress. We have to open our eyes, our hearts, our minds to what is called the proper traits.  Let us change the traditional ways that blocked the movement of the innovative world. However, it should be with due limitations , while retaining a few of the traditional ways,  to control the flow of change to what is needed by us today. As we all know, judging right away without  finding out the results or assuming things directly is like judging somebody's personality by just looking at the way he walks.

     Sometimes, it is better off being in between of a traditionalist and a modernist. That is being flexible enough to see the very reality of both sides. When you get the best of both traditional and modern then you may now say that you already have a proper trait. Adjustments are part of having the only thing that is constant in this world, and that is change.

<Written by: Keith M.> 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wisdom, A Moral Freedom

     Wisdom is a type of knowledge that is very inclined with morality and justice. Whenever there are bulks of problems, sometimes you felt like you don't seem to know something. Yet after a while you'll understand that you know it well. How you are being freed by the reality and your ability to choose the right options must be based upon what is known as moral and just.

      Mostly, wisdom is learned and acquired from someone's history of past experiences in struggling to survive. Some are from the vast knowledge of what is commonly accepted as truth of what is real and true. And a very few from the imagination of factual matter and up to the point of having more open possibilities; to maintain order and to improve everything around us in terms of Science and Technology.

      To study the things that may help us all out of one problem is one big duty for other people especially the working professionals and scientists. To exercise our brains properly, we need to think a lot as well as before making a concrete decision. And pray to God for guidance and spiritual strength.

<Written by: Keith M.>

Friday, February 22, 2013

Maturation in Heart and Mind

     The maturity increases every time you were able to succeed in facing enough challenges in life and during the times when you have learned from your own mistakes. The process of maturation improves and increases  when you gain exposure and experience, learn to survive and to accept reality , to be responsible, and create a way out of a problem.

       On the other hand, several cases may be very confusing though. There are times when our minds just slow down due to stresses and problems. Space and time to have relaxation is needed. Behavior and attitude of a person lies on the condition of his mind. Nothing is really perfect and life is so risky.

     When you find someone who acts childishly, you would probably think that his maturity is low. But how can we know if someone is truly mature?

     First, we should see to it that his/her ability to react or to respond through action is proper to his/her current age. 

     Second, if his/her ability to reason does make sense and if he/she is responsible enough to handle something that had happened. 

     Third, if he/she can acknowledge and has willingness to know what is real; and most importantly if he/she can make a sound judgement. 

     Fourth, as a leader he/she must know how to manage, organize, and train a group of people in doing such team work-oriented or separate individual activities. 

     And lastly, if he/she will be able to share his/her principles and all about wisdom to inspire and guide other people of different walks of life. If at least three of these factors are present, then we can probably say that he/she is truly mature.

(NOTE: Basically, we are talking about the maturation that is in the mind and is different from the aging process which happens physically.)

<Written by: Keith M.>

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Meaningful Source of Inspiration

       These days we are usually caught by several problems that are hard to resolve and thus we need to be inspired. How do we keep ourselves inspired?

      Apparently, music is a form of art that is very creative, stylish and meaningful. For some people, music should sound pleasing to the ears and they do love to hear and listen to different genres of music on their own digital devices such as "portable-mp3-player". Anyone would be delighted to see the world having meaningful yet positive expressions of what an art supposed to be.

     And now that we have lots of trending digital resources than before, so we might as well start learning how to create beautiful digital music and with that we are making our lives worth the while, and full of hopes-and-dreams.

     Will you believe that music shall strengthen the soul of anyone? Musicians put lyrical compositions that are based on their own experiences or on someone's real life story. And they could also creatively based it on their imaginations by putting their selves on somebody's shoe. Through that, we could learn much of life values from the songs that we listen to. In some sense, we could find the "meaning of life and wisdom" even in just listening to the words of the vocalist and understanding the message of the song; and with the aid of the harmonious sound from the musical instruments.

     Aside from the life values that we can get from songs, music also help us in building strong bonds and relationships of two and more people. Whether it would be lovers, family, relatives, friends, society, or nation; people courageously stand before each other and work hand in hand to such difficult times and most especially when they suddenly remember an inspirational song. Hence, music does really play a great role into our lives; as a source of inspiration to everyone.

<< Written by: Keith M.>>

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dignifying a Life in Balance

   To act with full dignity and honesty in living with your life and with the society; is what anyone should aim for. Even if the old good days have been dissolved, we still got to move forward. Morality shall stay to guide us when making good actions and righteous ways. We all belong to the huge crowd of the society. For now, let us consider a responsible society of today; leading us to building of a stronger global nation of tomorrow. A globally balanced nation of the world who have faith in God and who believes in Justice.

     The nature and the technology seems to fit in one current world. And just that we shall still be needing both to live and to survive. Imagine life without the nature or the technology. Natural Balance is very necessary and rightfully, the Technology requires same due amount of balance.

     The frequent use of natural resources such as the act of cutting of trees must be done with the limitations being set primarily; in order to preserve the so-called "Equilibrium".  And in the field of Technology, the tools that we currently use should be moderately utilized; in a way that it can produce enough good fruits for the society. And lastly, the balancer is still our own selves; to be morally righteous and socially responsible is what we must be.

<< Written by: Keith M.>>

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Global Force and the Unifying Process

     The invention of the transistor in 1947 was very important for it marked the beginning of the digital revolution. More digital devices were then invented. Cellular phones and personal computers were part of the said devices. Until the United States' "Department of defense" (D.O.D.) invented the world-wide-web (or Internet). 

   And from then,  the revolution of information arises. The Internet has been a tool to everyone for the purpose of communicating and sharing information. Today, even we have reached the "Information Age", it seems though analog devices are still in use and we tend to change the trend in a way that we keep on utilizing these portable computers and smartphones. Unexpectedly, the conventional machines were still as useful as the new ones.

   Where are we heading to? The "theory of productive forces" refers to a wider scope of social interaction (e.g., micro-blogging and social networking media) in which the technical progression or changes in technology causes it. 

   The vast exchange of information in the global aspect of society only proves that everyone can understand anybody better if communication superhighways (such as Internet) are strongly established; and cultural disadvantages shall be ignored but unfortunately excluding the language barrier. That is when Globalization takes place. And so, we should hope for one peaceful world.

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